Belated sighting of elephant in room

Now and then an obvious truth is restated:

The budget shortfall for 2010 would mark the second straight year of trillion-dollar deficits. Along with the unemployment numbers, the deficit may complicate President Barack Obama’s drive for his top domestic priority, overhauling the U.S. health care system.

“It throws a wrench in health-care reforms,” Maya MacGuineas, president of the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, said in an interview. “No matter the specific numbers, they’re a constant reminder that we’re in bad, bad shape.

And a Republican goes further:

“If anyone had any doubts that this burden on future generations is unsustainable, they’re gone,” said Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, adding that economic stimulus funds should be diverted to pay down U.S. debt.

Oh that golden stimulus, oh that golden stimulus.  Liquidate that!

3 thoughts on “Belated sighting of elephant in room

  1. “Along with the unemployment numbers, the deficit may complicate President Barack Obama’s drive for his top domestic priority, overhauling the U.S. health care system.”

    People act as though “Obama’s” various plans were mutually contradictory, but they aren’t. Obamacare is designed to: 1. Push the older whites who paid into the Medicare system out of government health care, on behalf of legal and illegal immigrants; and 2. Together with O’s other plans, and onerous taxes and inflation, wipe out whatever hard-earned wealth the white working and middle classes have managed to accrue, so as to “equalize wealth.” (He’ll use rich whites until he no longer needs them.)

    Meanwhile, “Obama” plans to amnesty and naturalize all illegals presently here, and invite and airlift in tens of millions others, in order to disenfranchise all whites, so that the latter cannot do anything politically or otherwise to defend themselves against his predations, and those of his supporters.

    As he said earlier this year, he must enact all parts of his agenda, and must do so immediately. The reason, which he did not give, was so that his intended victims would have no time to effectively rally forces against him.


  2. What taxes do most “immigrants” pay? (When their defenders, like John, use the term, it is as a euphemism for illegal aliens.) I can’t say zero, because most pay negative taxes. Millions of illegals also defraud the taxpayers out of billions of dollars each year in Earned Income Tax Credits.

    In California, every illegal immigrant eats up $8-12 in services for every dollar he pays in taxes. Legal immigrants also eat up more in services than they pay in taxes. And no “service” today is more expensive—for white American citizen-taxpayers, that is—than health care.

    John claims that inflation would also “effect [sic] immigrants [sic].”

    You know what, John, I hadn’t thought of that. Lessee.

    Inflation would eat up tens of thousands of dollars in home equity that the average illegal immigrant adult has spent decades building up.

    Inflation would eat up tens of thousands of dollars in savings that the average illegal immigrant has spent decades building up.

    Inflation would eat up hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement accounts and annuities that the average illegal immigrant has spent decades building up…
    in a Bizarro World, alternate universe!

    What do you have against white Americans, John? Why are they your bogeyman?

    “Reparations by Way of Health Care Reform”

    “AP: California Faces Imminent Insolvency: Immigration Not a Factor”

    “The EITC and Illegal Immigration”


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