Dems have an edge

Democratic Party (United States)
Those guys weasel out of things?

Being a Democrat means never having to resign because of a scandal, says The Other McCain:

Let me explain something: If you want to be a member of Congress and screw around, join the Democratic Party. You can screw around all you want and no problem, if youre a Democrat. But you cant do that and be a Republican member of Congress.

It’s for considering. Thing is, Republicans claim virtue, Dems don’t bother: it wouldn’t sell.

Another, indisputable, point:

UPDATE: Fastest scandal ever! The Internet not only makes it easier for cheaters to cheat, it makes it easier for cheaters to get caught, and the rapidity with which the damning evidence becomes public tends to accelerate the resignation.

Now you see them, now you don’t. It’s also the role of shame, a most useful reaction as regards the common good. Let there be shame! It saves us a lot of trouble.

And expediency, of course. Where would we be without that?

(HT the extremely good “Morning Jolt,” by the top-of-the-line Jim Geraghty, part of the National Review Online stable. Sign up here. You won’t regret it.)

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